Read an excerpt from The End of Trust in Wired magazine here.
In this era of constant low-level distrust—of our tech companies and our peers, of our justice system and our democracy—we can’t be sure who’s watching us, what they know, and how they’ll use it. Our personal data is at risk from doxxing, government tracking, Equifax hacks, and corporate data mining. We wade through unprecedented levels of disinformation and deception. Unsure of how our culture of surveillance is affecting the moral development of a generation coming of age online, we continue to opt in.
In our first-ever entirely nonfiction issue of McSweeney’s, The End of Trust (McSweeney’s Issue 54) features more than thirty writers and artists investigating surveillance in the digital age. Across more than 350 pages of essays, debates, interviews, graphs, and manifestos from over thirty contributors—including Edward Snowden, Julia Angwin, Malkia Cyril, Gabriella Coleman, Jenna Wortham, and dozens more, and with special advisor Electronic Frontier Foundation—this monumental collection asks whether we’ve reached the end of trust, and whether we even care.
Featuring:Edward Snowden
Jenna Wortham
Cindy Cohn
Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Cory Doctorow
Reyhan Harmanci
Hamid Khan
Ken Montenegro
Myke Cole
Ethan Zuckerman
Elizabeth Stix
Ben Wizner
Malkia Cyril
Jennifer Kabat
Alvaro Bedoya
Gabriella Coleman
Camille Fassett
Virginia Eubanks
Jacob Silverman
Julia Angwin
Trevor Paglen
Soraya Okuda
Thenmozhi Soundararajan
Douglas Rushkoff
Bruce Schneier
Dave Maass
Madeline Ashby
Edward F. Loomis
Jenny Odell
Carson Mell
Chelsea Hogue
Joanna Howard