We’re offering up a few copies of the long out-of-print, breathtakingly rare McSweeney’s Issue 6 (from 2001! When we were still printing our books in Iceland! Oh lord!). These first-edition books come sealed in their original shrinkwrapping—from our onetime Icelandic printer ODDI—and have been untouched by human hands since 2001.

Contributors to this groundbreaking issue include Zadie Smith, Lydia Davis, Chris Ware, Amy Sillman, Barry Blitt, Sheila Heti, Lawrence Weschler, Samantha Hunt, Ann Cummins, John Warner, Walker Evans, Karl Haendel, and Sean Wilsey, and includes the true story of the real Timothy McSweeney. Each piece in Issue 6 is matched with its own unique song, written by the likes of They Might Be Giants, Philip Glass, and many others, but mostly They Might Be Giants, all contained on a CD packaged in the issue, to be played as you read. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll forget your child alone at home because you’re so emotionally consumed by the beauty of this issue.