Our return, after four issues, to pure hardcover bookness features Jonathan Franzen on Upper East Side ambition, Jess Walter on the men who ride children's bicycles in Spokane, Washington, Joe Meno on women who want to be eaten by lions, Etgar Keret and Joyce Carol Oates on murder and language in a restaurant called Cheesus Christ and at Gate C34 of Newark International Airport, respectively—and ten more stories besides, five of them strange and beautiful pieces from Kenya that will tell you, indelibly, what it's like to be drunk for seventy-two hours straight in Nairobi or to smuggle contraband jam into the girls' dormitory of the Precious Blood Riruta Secondary School or to fly over the Kalacha Goda oasis in a small plane, at sunset, with your brother in a coffin next to you. Other topics covered include unemployment, drumming vs. painting, and Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square car-bomb attempter. As if that wasn't enough, this one is our first full-color issue in quite a while, too, with illustrations on every page—order yours today!
Table of Contents:
Ambition by Jonathan FranzenNow Ye Know Who the Bosses Are Here Now by J. Malcom Garcia
Statistical Abstract for My Hometown, Spokane, Washington by Jess Walter
The Grove by Nelly Reifler
Cheesus Christ by Etgar Keret
Take Care of That Rage Problem by Edan Lepucki
Still Looking by John Hyduk
Lugo in Normal Time by John Hyduk
A Brutal Murder in a Public Place by Joyce Carol Oates
Lion’s Jaws by Joe Meno