With our first photo cover since Issue 5 (and a gorgeous one!), Issue 39 offers a whole lot to behold—Elmore Leonard’s latest Karen Sisco caper and Roberto Bolaño’s Neochilean road trip, J.T.K. Belle’s unkillable bovine and Benjamin Weissman’s Louella Tarantula, Julie Hecht on Marimekko dresses and Jess Walter on going to cardboard, and amazing, far-ranging fiction from Amelia Gray and Abi Maxwell and Yannick Murphy, too. (Plus some pretty incredible nonfiction on the fall of the Peacock Throne.) Don’t miss this one!
Table of Contents:
They All Stand Up and Sing by Julie Hecht
Benjamin Bucks by Jennie Erin Smith
The Neochileans by Roberto Bolaño
The Shah’s Man by Tom Barbash
Politics and Conscience by Václav Havel
Bumsters by E.C Osondu
Running by Tabitha Soren
Chick Killer by Elmore Leonard
Secret Language by Yannick Murphy
Fifty Ways to Eat Your Lover by Ameila Gray
Anthing Helps by Jess Walter
Running by Tabitha Soren
Louella Tarantula by Benjamin Weissman
Giant of the Sea by Abi Maxwell
Carlos the Impossible by J.T.K Belle