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“A key barometer of the literary climate.”
The New York Times

“Brilliant and always surprising.”
Detroit Free Press

Looking for the perfect gift for the lover of literature in your life? Subscribe now and send them the next four issues of our always surprising, always redesigned, three-time National Magazine Award–winning literary journal, featuring the best fiction and nonfiction we can get our hands on, delivered right to their doorstep.

Here’s what we’ve got up our collective sleeve for the future:

McSweeney’s 76: Aftershocks
McSweeney’s 76: Aftershocks is a collection of contemporary Syrian prose—short stories, novel excerpts, and plays—that chronicles the literal and metaphorical earthquakes that haunt the Syrian people. Guest-edited by acclaimed Syrian American journalist Alia Malek, and encompassing the work of eight Arabic translators and sixteen Syrian writers (some of which have never before been translated in English), these contributors write across diasporic and refugee experiences, as well as from inside present-day Syria. In these pages, skeletons fall in love, Damascus alleys become time portals, letters tucked in bullet wounds reanimate the dead, minarets gush blood, and photographs become more human than humans. The requisite actors in these stories, and in any conflict (and crime)—victim, killer, survivor—are blurred and intimate. Magical realism, the absurd, and the surreal course through these pages. These stories ask us to imagine the unimaginable. They ask not “what is real?” but rather “how can this be real?”

And then?
Keep an eye out for three more issues of the thrilling and innovative collections of of cutting-edge literary content that readers of McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern have come to expect for over two and a half decades.

Purchase a catch-up bundle alongside your subscription and get an additional 10% off your entire order.

Praise for McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern

“There are few examples in publishing that equal the care and inventiveness McSweeney’s offers their readers—the industry at large should take note. I return to past issues more than most of the tomes on my shelves any time I need to re-spark my belief in publishing, in stories, in people.”
—Bookends and Beginnings, Evanston, IL

“The first bona fide literary movement in decades.”

“Ever shape-shifting and ambitious, McSweeney’s has redefined what a literary institution can be. Their commitment to publishing strong, strange voices and stories from the periphery has always been an inspiration and I’m always excited to see what they’ll do next.”
Catherine Lacey, McSweeney’s contributor and author of The Answers

McSweeney’s is so much more than a magazine; it’s a vital part of our culture.”
Geoff Dyer, McSweeney’s contributor and author of Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi and Otherwise Known as the Human Condition

“Some magazines are comfort reads. We turn to them because we can almost predict, issue to issue, what and even who will appear in them. But others, like McSweeney’s, are challenge reads. They’re feverishly inventive, discomfortingly surprising, and therefore among the best reminders that we are actually alive. I love shouting at McSweeney’s, laughing with it, and rolling my eyes at myself while the magazine reads me like a deceptively perceptive carnival psychic.”
John D’Agata, author of Halls of Fame and About a Mountain

“I’m incredibly grateful for the existence of McSweeney’s. Its embrace of world literature is completely unique, lucid, knowing and indispensable.”
Francisco Goldman, McSweeney’s contributor and acclaimed author of The Interior Circuit: A Mexico City Chronicle and The Art of Political Murder: Who Killed the Bishop?

This is the page for a Quarterly gift subscription. Gift subscriptions do not automatically renew, and are good for four issues. All subscriptions placed by February 1, 2025, will begin with McSweeney’s 76: Aftershocks. To view back issues, click here. Looking for an automatically renewing subscription for yourself? Click here.