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McSweeney’s National Magazine Award-winning quarterly brings you our 66th issue, an elegant paperback festooned with coded illustrations by Jacques Kleynhans (see how many versions of the number 66 you can spot). Featuring “Willie the Weirdo,” a brand-new story by legendary horror writer Stephen King; plus stories by Taisia Kitaiskaia, Hernan Diaz, and T.C. Boyle; poems by Soviet poet Anna Akhmatova newly translated by Katie Farris and Ilya Kaminsky; a surreal full-color comic by Teddy Goldenberg; letters from Samantha Hunt and Kate Folk; and more. McSweeney’s Issue 66 promises a rip-roaring time you won’t soon forget—peel back its pages and dig in.
Featuring original stories by:
Nicky Gonzalez
T. C. Boyle
Hernan Diaz
Corinna Vallianatos
Stephen King
Taisia Kitaiskaia
Victor Ladis Schultz
Carl Napolitano
Ada Zhang
An illustrated story by Teddy Goldenberg
Poetry by Anna Akhmatova
Translated by Katie Farris and Ilya Kaminsky
And letters by:
Samantha Hunt
Shayna Conde
Kate Folk
Afabwaje Kurian
McSweeney’s National Magazine Award-winning quarterly brings you our 66th issue, an elegant paperback festooned with coded illustrations by Jacques Kleynhans (see how many versions of the number 66 you can spot). Featuring “Willie the Weirdo,” a brand-new story by legendary horror writer Stephen King; plus stories by Taisia Kitaiskaia, Hernan Diaz, and T.C. Boyle; poems by Soviet poet Anna Akhmatova newly translated by Katie Farris and Ilya Kaminsky; a surreal full-color comic by Teddy Goldenberg; letters from Samantha Hunt and Kate Folk; and more. McSweeney’s Issue 66 promises a rip-roaring time you won’t soon forget—peel back its pages and dig in.
Featuring original stories by:
Nicky Gonzalez
T. C. Boyle
Hernan Diaz
Corinna Vallianatos
Stephen King
Taisia Kitaiskaia
Victor Ladis Schultz
Carl Napolitano
Ada Zhang
An illustrated story by Teddy Goldenberg
Poetry by Anna Akhmatova
Translated by Katie Farris and Ilya Kaminsky
And letters by:
Samantha Hunt
Shayna Conde
Kate Folk
Afabwaje Kurian